Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Truth Time

Alright, I've been busy.  Have I been able to work out everyday? No. Most of the days since my last post? No. But since I knew I'd be too busy to work out I've been eating a little healthier, and drinking my tea.

This past weekend, I hosted a jewelry/make up party.  No time to exercise when the house needed to be cleaned.  So I made sure to serve healthier snacks, which I found on pinterest, such as:
They were delicious and any leftover fruit can go into a smoothie!
(Click on the pictures for the orignial links with recipes! and check out for other tried adn true pinterest ideas)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just a Quickie!

Today had to be a quick workout.  I've done absolutely nothing since last Wednesday and was determined to do SOMETHING today.  Today, of course, I have 2 and a half hours to squeeze in folding 9 loads of laundry, yes, 9 loads.  I blame Indiana weather and baseball season.  I also had to make dinner since we'd be at baseball til 7:30 and all my other mom stuff. 

What did I choose?  I fell back on the Quick 15 for the treadmill.  I haven't run that in over a month but I still got it! And, even better, I feel great that I didn't let another day go by without doing something:)

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Numbers

Last time I checked, these were my numbers:
Waist 29.5 (-.5!)
Hips/Butt 37.5 (-.5!)
Right thigh 22.5 (-.5!)
Left thigh 22.5 (-.5!)
Right arm 11.5 (-.25!)
Left arm 11.25 (-.25!)

This time, as promised:
Waist 28  (-1.5!)
Hips/Butt 37 (-.5!)
Right thigh 22 (-.5!)
Left thigh 21.5 (-1.5!)
Right arm 11 (-.5!)
Left arm 11 (-.25!)

That's a total of 4.75 inches lost since my last measurements, bringing the grand total to 7.25 inches GONE!!!!! I knew it would be a difference.  I could see it when I showered and could tell by how my clothes are fitting.  Do I get lots of "Wow, you look great!"not too much.  But that reminds me of this pin I found.

My journey has only been about 6 or 7 weeks. I'm gonna keep going:)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Motivation--iheart Radio

If you don't have it yet, you should download this FREE App.  Just click on the icon below to get it!  Yesterday, I ran the furthest I've ever run in my life  4.5 miles!!!!

I'm pretty sure it's because I was listening to iHeart Radio.  I created my own station: Britney Spears.  Don't judge!  If you were like my friend Gabi you'd listen to Lil' Wayne or if you were like my friend Danica you could listen to a little Tom Petty.  It played some great songs that keep me moving and made time just fly by. I do heart iHeart Radio:)

**I was not paid, I just found the app, used it and loved it.  Just wanted to spread the word.**

Monday, April 9, 2012

A New Pin for the Inner Thighs

I've become very comfortable with the couple of pins I started out with.  I think it's time to change things up a bit, maybe target another area.  I'll keep my cardio on the treadmill or eliptical to burn calories and lose fat. My arms are shaping up nicely with my Erasing Arm Fat

Now, it's almost time for shorts and bathingsuits so it's time to focus on those thighs!

I realize I didn't post any measurements on Friday as I had intended to.  Sorry! Last week was very super extremely busy.  I PROMISE to post measurements this Friday:) 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

They FIT!!!!!

I feel like one of those ladies on the Progresso soup commercials!  The the whole reason I started this blog thing was because of these pants.  I bought them from the Gap, couldn't remember my "Gap" size and grabbed one size too small. So I returned them for the next size up and I still couldn't get them up over my thighs:(  But today.....


              THEY FIT!!!!!:):):)
(My sweet 5 year old was my photographer.)