Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Make Time

There are 1440 minutes in a day.  You can spare 30 of them for exercise. 

Just looking at my calendar for May makes me tired.  And I've used the excuse "I'm too busy to workout." But then I remembered seeing the above on pinterest.  (Sadly, pinterest has also taken a back seat lately.)  I CAN and WILL take 30 minutes for myself to DO SOMETHING.  I've worked too hard so far.  I don't want to lose it.:) 

Today I ran on the treadmill.  What did you do?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Truth Time

Alright, I've been busy.  Have I been able to work out everyday? No. Most of the days since my last post? No. But since I knew I'd be too busy to work out I've been eating a little healthier, and drinking my tea.

This past weekend, I hosted a jewelry/make up party.  No time to exercise when the house needed to be cleaned.  So I made sure to serve healthier snacks, which I found on pinterest, such as:
They were delicious and any leftover fruit can go into a smoothie!
(Click on the pictures for the orignial links with recipes! and check out for other tried adn true pinterest ideas)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just a Quickie!

Today had to be a quick workout.  I've done absolutely nothing since last Wednesday and was determined to do SOMETHING today.  Today, of course, I have 2 and a half hours to squeeze in folding 9 loads of laundry, yes, 9 loads.  I blame Indiana weather and baseball season.  I also had to make dinner since we'd be at baseball til 7:30 and all my other mom stuff. 

What did I choose?  I fell back on the Quick 15 for the treadmill.  I haven't run that in over a month but I still got it! And, even better, I feel great that I didn't let another day go by without doing something:)

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Numbers

Last time I checked, these were my numbers:
Waist 29.5 (-.5!)
Hips/Butt 37.5 (-.5!)
Right thigh 22.5 (-.5!)
Left thigh 22.5 (-.5!)
Right arm 11.5 (-.25!)
Left arm 11.25 (-.25!)

This time, as promised:
Waist 28  (-1.5!)
Hips/Butt 37 (-.5!)
Right thigh 22 (-.5!)
Left thigh 21.5 (-1.5!)
Right arm 11 (-.5!)
Left arm 11 (-.25!)

That's a total of 4.75 inches lost since my last measurements, bringing the grand total to 7.25 inches GONE!!!!! I knew it would be a difference.  I could see it when I showered and could tell by how my clothes are fitting.  Do I get lots of "Wow, you look great!"not too much.  But that reminds me of this pin I found.

My journey has only been about 6 or 7 weeks. I'm gonna keep going:)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Motivation--iheart Radio

If you don't have it yet, you should download this FREE App.  Just click on the icon below to get it!  Yesterday, I ran the furthest I've ever run in my life  4.5 miles!!!!

I'm pretty sure it's because I was listening to iHeart Radio.  I created my own station: Britney Spears.  Don't judge!  If you were like my friend Gabi you'd listen to Lil' Wayne or if you were like my friend Danica you could listen to a little Tom Petty.  It played some great songs that keep me moving and made time just fly by. I do heart iHeart Radio:)

**I was not paid, I just found the app, used it and loved it.  Just wanted to spread the word.**

Monday, April 9, 2012

A New Pin for the Inner Thighs

I've become very comfortable with the couple of pins I started out with.  I think it's time to change things up a bit, maybe target another area.  I'll keep my cardio on the treadmill or eliptical to burn calories and lose fat. My arms are shaping up nicely with my Erasing Arm Fat

Now, it's almost time for shorts and bathingsuits so it's time to focus on those thighs!

I realize I didn't post any measurements on Friday as I had intended to.  Sorry! Last week was very super extremely busy.  I PROMISE to post measurements this Friday:) 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

They FIT!!!!!

I feel like one of those ladies on the Progresso soup commercials!  The the whole reason I started this blog thing was because of these pants.  I bought them from the Gap, couldn't remember my "Gap" size and grabbed one size too small. So I returned them for the next size up and I still couldn't get them up over my thighs:(  But today.....


              THEY FIT!!!!!:):):)
(My sweet 5 year old was my photographer.)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Diet Frustration?

Sorry I haven't written in the last few days.  I've been at the gym.  I feel skinnier.  But, today I remembered to weigh myself while at the gym.  I'm down a little but not too much.  I started to get upset.  I have been working so hard!  Then, I remembered this pin. 

It makes sense.  I've been doing my cardio to burn fat.  I've also been busy trying to tone my arms and stomach.  And I can see a difference in both. We've all heard it: Muscle weighs more than fat.  It makes sense that new toned muscle would interfere with my "weight loss".  I've decided to take my measurements again coming up this Friday. I don't want to do it too often, once every 2 weeks should be good.

Those few pounds that I've lost could add up to a BUNCH of inches.  So no more frustration, just more motivation:)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

You Choose

I choose to be sore!  I'm off to work out.  Thanks for the 1,000 page views! 
 I'm one happy girl:)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

They're Right, It's Exercise AND Diet

Saturday and Sunday morning I met my friend Gabi at the gym.  We showed those elipticals whose boss and I showed Gabi how to Erase Arm Flab.  It was great.  Then I went to the mall, picked up a few Chik-fil-A sandwiches for lunch (for the family, not just me) on my way out.  Then, we promised my oldest some Dairy Queen to make his fat lip feel better, he caught the baseball with it. I just undid all my hard work. 

So, I went to my pinterest boards to find some healthy eating pins to try out.  Guess what? I pin an awful lot of desserts:)  But I did find a few dinner ideas and some healthy snacking.  I decided to try this:
For a list of these healthy snacks, check out the orignial post.

I chose to fill my tray with easy healthy snacks such as yogurt, protein bars, apples, bananas, oranges, popcorn etc.  It's been so easy to grab something good and I don't feel guilty about messing up my workout:)

Check out other actually tried pins over at! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Can Your Bellybutton Do This?

Apparently my bellybutton was so happy I was working out again that it cried a little heart! Isn't that sweet!?! I did have a great run: 2 miles in 20:09!  I'd love to say that was a normal run, but it wasn't.  I had to run faster at the end because I had to pee!  That tea really works a number on my bladder, and my weight too.  I'm down a pound and a half! (Sorry about all the exclamation points but I'm really excited with my progress lately.)

Let's see if I can be happy about my newest measurements:
Waist 29.5  (-.5!)
Hips/Butt 37.5 (-.5!)
Right thigh 22.5 (-.5!)
Left thigh 22.5 (-.5!)
Right arm 11.5 (-.25!)
Left arm 11.25 (-.25!)

That is a total of 2.5 inches off of my body.  Not too bad, but I have more to go:)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Feeling Great!

I just stepped off the treadmill.  Nothing as intense as yesterday's run but still a 30 minute leg burning, "hill" climbing, sweat inducing workout.  And during the "easy" portions of the walk I added in Standing Diamond, Arm Press with a Twist and High Five from the Erasing Arm Flab workout.  Now that's multi-tasking!  I'm also beginning to LIKE my Dr. Oz Weight-orade.  I'm feeling so good about my recent workout streak that I think I'll post some measurements tomorrow and see if any progress has been made.
  Check back tomorrow:)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's the little things...

I just kicked some @$$ on the treadmill.  3 miles in 30:08!!!!! I'm sure others out there can do it in less time but I'm so proud of myself.  I've been drinking my tea, doing my arm exercises and now my amazing run!! It's a good day:)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dr. Oz Weight-orade Review

Ok, I warned you yesterday that I do NOT like anything tea.  But being a big girl, I was willing to give it another try.  So, I ran to the grocery and bought some plain green tea teabags and looked for tangerines.  I found something similar to tangerines called tangelos, wikipedia says it's a hybrid of a tangerine and a grapefruit.  I hope it does the same thing!

I brewed up the tea, but I think I let it steep for too long.  It had a pretty strong taste.  But I've been drinking it  (with LOTS of ice) AND I've even brewed up a second batch!  I followed the directions a little more closely this time and hope that tomorrow it's a little easier to swallow. 

My husband, a tea lover, really likes it, so it must be good, right?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Still truckin'

Since I've had a hard time getting back into my workout routine I've decided not to add anything new this week.  Instead, I've decided to try a metabolism boosting drink I pinned awhile ago. 
Dr. Oz's Tangerine Weight-Orade Recipe...a powerful metabolism-boosting drink. It contains: green tea, shown to boost metabolism 12% by drinking just one cup; tangerine, with a chemical composition that increases sensitivity to insulin and stimulates genes that help to burn fat; and mint, a calorie-free flavor enhancer. In a large pitcher, combine: 8 cups of brewed green tea / 1 tangerine, sliced / A handful of mint leaves / Stir this delicious concoction up at night so all the flavors fuse together. Drink 1 pitcher daily for maximum metabolism-boosting results.                   

For "real" instructions, check out the original blog posting.  I'm not a fan of any kind of tea but I'll give it a try, maybe without the mint.  I'm still going to continue with my cardio on the treadmill, the wall sits and my flab eraser for my arms.

How's your workout going?  Try any Pinterest pins lately?  See any I should try?  Want to see what others are trying?  Check out to see it those pins really work!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

It Ain't Easy

I've had a heck of a time getting back into my workout routine.  Things come up, meetings are scheduled, work, kids, etc.  I've been able to exercise here and there but my energy has been dragging and motivation lacking.  I sit down and the blubber that is my belly disgusts me.  Or even better, I put on a pair of last summer's capris and they're a bit tight.

So, today I made myself get back on the treadmill and it wasn't an easy mile and a half but I did it.  It burned.  I had trouble finding my stride. I wanted to quit.  But you know what?  I did it and I feel great!  I'm sweaty and stinky, but I'm 240 calories lighter:)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Starting All Over

Okay, I'm back and feeling much better.  Thank you for asking:)

Last week, I ran a good 3 mile run. Twice. and was feeling pretty good about myself and then I go and get sick.  Since I hadn't run in a week and I was short on time today so I decided to run the Quick 15.  Man, it was hard.  I'm sure it went something like this...
Since the run was a, difficult I put off doing my Flab Erasing Arm exercises.  I'm off to do them now along with 3 sets of wall holds. Sit like this (see below) for as long as you can.  I'm told this works out "the pouch" or your lower abdominals.  I wasn't thrilled with the Downward Facing Dog (maybe I wasn't doing it correctly.).
Pinned Image

Give it a shot and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In Need of Some Motivation

I was having a hard time finding motivation to get myself on the treadmill.  Until I saw this. I do jiggle and I don't want to.  And when I want to stop running, I'll just remind myself of the jiggle and push a little further.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Do You See That!?!

If you look real close, you can see I'm starting to build a little muscle definition:)  I don't want to bulk up, just tone up and lose some of, alright ALL OF the flab.   So for the last 2 weeks, I've been on the treadmill with the Quick 15 for some fat burning cardio and then last week I added the Erasing Arm Flab for a little toning. 

Now, for this week's pin!  On top of the 15 minute treadmill and the 6 minute arm exercises, I chose a quick something to add to target the lower belly. I'm loving that all  three exercises should take no more than 30 minutes:)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'm still at it :)

I skipped over a leap day workout (cheesy pun totally intended).  But, I have still have been erasing my arm flab and doing the Quick 15! And I feel great!!! I really do. 

I haven't noticed any dramatic changes, not that I was expecting to look like Jennifer Aniston (yet).  But I think I would like to keep track of any changes, small or big.  So I am putting my measurements out there for anyone and everyone to see.  Here goes nothin'...

                                 Waist (by my bellybutton) 30 inches
                                 Hips                                  38 inches
                                 Right thigh                         23 inches
                                 Left thigh                           23 inches
                                 Right arm                          11.75 inches
                                 Left arm                            11.5 inches

There you have it. My deepest, darkest secrets revealed.  Keep checking back for my progress and I love to hear about yours too:)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 2: Arm Flab Eraser Update

Well, I did it.  I tried the Erasing Arm Flab workout!  It was cake.  Ok, my arms were a little shaky by the time I was finishing up my third sets but no pain no gain right?

I didn't have water bottles since we use a Brita refillable pitcher so instead I used my 1 pound weights that came with my treadmill.  On the Arm Press with Twist I held both wieghts in the same hand.  The Standing Diamond, I just held one in each hand.  It worked well. 

Before I started to tone my arms, I ran a Quick 15 for some cardio.  I hope to have tank top worthy arms in no time:)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 2: Erasing Arm Flab!!

I have trouble finding cute shirts that fit around my big, flabby arms.  Last time I measured my biceps were a bulging 12-13 inches around.  So, I think it's time that I try out this next workout.

  I like this workout because I don't need any bands, or special equipment just a couple of bottles of water and the ability to count to 10.  I plan on keeping up some lite cardio on the treadmill to help burn fat and hopefully tone up with these flab busters!  I'll let you know how it goes.
Care to try it out with me? 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quick 15 Min. Update #4

I admit it I took a few days off from the treadmill:( Friday, I went shopping.  Eddie Bauer had some great sales by the way:) and Saturday the house had some serious cleanliness issues that needed to be addressed (I hate cleaning bathtubs). 

So, bright and early this morning, I forced myself to get reaquainted with the treadmill and the Quick 15.  It wasn't nearly as bad as I had feared. With a little inspiration from my friends, The Foo Fighters and Pink, the 15 minutes passed kind of quickly. 1.25 miles ran and 189 calories burned I am so happy I made myself do it.
                                   (The equipment I have to work with. My view as I run.)

Tomorrow, I'm moving on to a new workout.  I think I'll go back to  my regular little jog on the treadmill for some cardio but add in some toning exercises I can do during commercials as I watch The Young and the Restless:) Check back in tomorrow to see which "pin" I pick!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Quick 15 Minute Workout Day 3!!!!

Please excuse the unpretty, very sweaty me.  I just finished 3 days in a row of the Quick 15 Min. Workout:)  It was so much easier today. That 12 min-14 min time is by far the hardest but boy did it feel good when I successfully completed it!

If it's still a bit difficult for you, I checked the original website this workout came from and she has a variation for all different ability levels.  Check out Itty Bits of Balance for the workouts.

Have you tried the Quick 15 yet? Has it going for ya? Have a workout idea for my arms(yikes!)? Leave me a comment or just say hi!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 1: Quick 15 Workout Update

I can not tell a lie.  My first day doing the Quick 15 SUCKED!  For some reason, I thought the speed column was the incline and vice versa.  Lesson learned, always read the directions carefully.  My first go-round I couldn't get the speed past a 5, maybe a 5.5.  However bad it sucked, I did feel it later.  You know those little musle spasms, I call them pulses.  All night last night I felt pulses!:)

Today, however, I completed the whole thing!!!!  I loved the first 5 minutes, a brisk walk on a small incline.  Then, minutes 5-10 weren't horrible.  I did them, without  cheating, speed and incline as stated.  Minutes 11-14 were a bit of a challenge, but I kept reminding myself that I can do anything for one minute.  I was never happier to se the number 14 in my life. 

I hope tomorrow gets even easier.  Have you tried it yet?  Any ideas on what I should try next? Leave me a comment, and tell your friends:)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week 1: Quick 15 Min. Work Out

   I love to run on my treadmill. I don't run far and I don't run fast but I do love it. The only problem is I don't have a lot of time to work in my work outs. So while spending many hours on pinterest I found the above work out. Looks simple enough right?  I'll let you know:)

Like Everyone Else...

I admit it.  I'm hooked on Pinterest.  I have lots of boards, some for my boys, some for decorating ideas, classroom ideas and then there is "My New Year's Resolution" board.  It is loaded with workouts for my jiggly parts (basically, my whole body).  I keep pinning work out after work out and I haven't lost a single pound/inch yet! 

So, it's time to re-evaluate.  If just pinning wasn't working, I guess I should actually try some of these workouts.  I might get better results that way. That crazy idea is the inspiration for this blog.  At the beginning of each week I will choose a pin from my fitness board and post it on here.   Then, thru out the week I'll keep all of you updated on my progress.  You gals (and even guys) can try the work out along with me and share your thoughts too!

I plan on trying out a few recipes, trying out new accessories, inspirations, etc.  So I hope you check back often and keep me to my word:)  I'm off to pick this week's work-out!