Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'm still at it :)

I skipped over a leap day workout (cheesy pun totally intended).  But, I have still have been erasing my arm flab and doing the Quick 15! And I feel great!!! I really do. 

I haven't noticed any dramatic changes, not that I was expecting to look like Jennifer Aniston (yet).  But I think I would like to keep track of any changes, small or big.  So I am putting my measurements out there for anyone and everyone to see.  Here goes nothin'...

                                 Waist (by my bellybutton) 30 inches
                                 Hips                                  38 inches
                                 Right thigh                         23 inches
                                 Left thigh                           23 inches
                                 Right arm                          11.75 inches
                                 Left arm                            11.5 inches

There you have it. My deepest, darkest secrets revealed.  Keep checking back for my progress and I love to hear about yours too:)


  1. I'm visiting from Sarah @ Ordinary Days. I love your blog idea! I have a Pinterest Influenced blog {Pinfluence} where I share my favorite pins & the creations they influenced. I did a post on weight loss & I'm chugging away too! :) I'll be following you!

  2. Our measurements are practically the same!

    arms - 10.5 inches
    chest - 36 inches
    stomach - 32 inches
    hips + butts - 39 inches
    thighs - 22 inches
    calves - 13 inches
    height - 5'3
    total weight - 144 lbs.

    Twins all the way around! Keep up your hard work! :)

    1. Thanks for the support! We'll look good hangin by the pool this summer:)
